Tuesday, May 27

New Brain Buckets

Nichole and I bought new helmets for the bike the other day. Well, Nichole never had one so she needed one and I had a hand-me-down. Now we both have new ones and they are pretty cool looking. It would have been nice to have a Shoei but they cost a fortune. The cheapest one I saw was $460 and it was ugly. Instead we went with a different brand, but just as good and they both still look awesome. Saved a lot of money in the process too. I'm very happy with mine. Matches the bike the best. Go over to Nichole's and check hers out. It's pretty cool. I didn't care if hers didn't match the bike. I just wanted her to like it.


The Ferryman said...


Wuss :)

The Big Leeboski said...

I just realized something.

You're the Technical Director for "Van Dyke Church".


